cole007: It's the 'Olice - 'cupper!
cole007: Random opening hours
cole007: No golf
cole007: No dogs
cole007: Ye Olde Cromarty Arms
cole007: Home baking welcome
cole007: Random sign at work
cole007: Thats why i'm cheesey
cole007: bovine disregard for roadsigns
cole007: Brighton rock(s)
cole007: ramped up
cole007: Danger, Pentlands
cole007: Warning, Pentlands
cole007: Military Lands, Pentlands
cole007: Wheelchair ramp inside
cole007: Dangerous bank
cole007: Confusing sign
cole007: Gyle typo
cole007: Tesco punctuation
cole007: Cheap at half the price
cole007: Up Stare, Cardiff
cole007: Shelter
cole007: Emergency Fuel Pump Shut Off Valve
cole007: Switch Off in Event of Fire in Galley
cole007: Shelter
cole007: Sign of the
cole007: F.A.P.
cole007: No Admittance: Authorised Personnel Only
cole007: Main Extract Duct
cole007: Switch Off in Event of Fire