Colin Dray:
Fork tyne material for flatter
Colin Dray:
Upsetting A piece of fork tyne
Colin Dray:
Released Flatter on anvil
Colin Dray:
3 cwt Massey Pneumatic Hammer
Colin Dray:
Steve and Billy jumping up fork tyne material
Colin Dray:
Billy the Blacksmith and the 3cwt Massey Hammer
Colin Dray:
Billy and Steve upsetting fork tyne
Colin Dray:
Billy and Steve working under the Massey
Colin Dray:
Steve carrying block back to furnace for a reheat.
Colin Dray:
Flatter sketch steps and dimensions
Colin Dray:
Tong making steps under Massey
Colin Dray:
Colin Dray:
Colin Dray:
Forging tongs under the Massey Hammer
Colin Dray:
Roughed out tongs - bit and eye
Colin Dray:
Nick drawing down fork tyne for flatter
Colin Dray:
Nick forging block to dimension
Colin Dray:
Flatters cooling
Colin Dray:
Steve holding hot iron
Colin Dray:
Production run of flatters
Colin Dray:
Bolster block with 38mm square hole
Colin Dray:
Spreading flatter face
Colin Dray:
Bolster block and upset flatter
Colin Dray:
Flatter and Bolster Block
Colin Dray:
Forged Flatters
Colin Dray:
Fresh flatters
Colin Dray:
Flatters normalising
Colin Dray:
Dining at Darling Harbour
Colin Dray: