emepoo: view down the nenana heading to johnny cash falls
emepoo: railroad bridge we crossed under
emepoo: emily and amy getting the gear ready
emepoo: looking up at our path
emepoo: it might be hard to see the climb due to all the SUN!!! shining off it
emepoo: emily geared up and ready to rock
emepoo: emily heading up
emepoo: notice the color coordination, red helmet, axes and crampon clips
emepoo: amy heading over the bulge
emepoo: emily belaying
emepoo: winton with his safety line warm in the snow
emepoo: there are at least three colors in this picture (besides white!) which was to much to pass up
emepoo: i belive they call this sugarloaf, but i dont really know,
emepoo: heading back down the river to the car
emepoo: view under the railroad bridge after the acid started to kick in
emepoo: winton leading the way back up the creek home
emepoo: dragonfly falls in the spring, wet wet wet
emepoo: emily on the top, where she likes to be
emepoo: rapin down
emepoo: laura ropin up and gettin wet
emepoo: cowboy in denali
emepoo: laura and emily in the sun
emepoo: look close and you can see the water running off the belay device
emepoo: laura on the way up
emepoo: on my way
emepoo: gettin soaked
emepoo: lookin down on emily workin that rope
emepoo: cowboy relaxin in the sun
emepoo: sunny spring day