emepoo: swarming, rushing, seething mass of happy to be out of the box dogs
emepoo: aspen in the lead, but close on her heels are clyde and coral
emepoo: view out of mellissa and joe's living room
emepoo: deep thinking, im sure, is going on at this moment
emepoo: food bags locked and ready to go
emepoo: brians sled, the blue rocket
emepoo: dogs on the dog trailer
emepoo: almost ready to head out on the river in talketna
emepoo: brian style camping
emepoo: the lucky dogs
emepoo: the not so lucky dogs
emepoo: sunrise view from tent along river
emepoo: now give me mystereise, good, good
emepoo: now your a tiger, thats right, give me dangerise
emepoo: view looking out onto river
emepoo: two little love birds sitting in a tree....
emepoo: getting ready to kick some major ski racer butt
emepoo: nice bibs, every couple should color coordinate
emepoo: powered by the sun
emepoo: perfection, grace, beutie
emepoo: halfway point beer!! are we really half way?
emepoo: about to start being pased by the 50kers (easy to spot, look for the lycra)
emepoo: no shirt, but we did get jager shots at the finish. and some kickass muffins
emepoo: hard to belive, but it was both our first ski race
emepoo: battle wound, inflicted by a jelouse competitor
emepoo: theres betsy! she made it!!
emepoo: notice all the blue sky and lack of down gear being worn!
emepoo: high on vitamin D
emepoo: hot skies, hot chicks, hot dudes, what more is there?
emepoo: look at betsys amazement as i show her the tear in my pants laura did when she speared me with her poles