emepoo: view into canyon in chitna
emepoo: the most sickingly cute jewish ex-couple in fairbanks
emepoo: still no luck
emepoo: no luck so far
emepoo: contiplaitn and shit
emepoo: a moment of rest
emepoo: spalsh of color to brighten up your day
emepoo: guttin and stringin
emepoo: along canyon road
emepoo: betsy "fish slayer" young
emepoo: some more breathtaking views
emepoo: what a waste of realestate
emepoo: the ladys give it one last try for fish
emepoo: preparing to slay fish
emepoo: this years hottest trend
emepoo: nice shrub
emepoo: a shrub
emepoo: available in petite sizes too
emepoo: ladys hard a work, with not a man to be seen
emepoo: hey! i got one.... wait, nevermind
emepoo: in her element
emepoo: view down canyon
emepoo: the focus, the determination
emepoo: a womens work is never done
emepoo: sting and tied
emepoo: dana supervised by cowboy
emepoo: what time is it?
emepoo: time for lunch
emepoo: o.k., you stand over there, and ill stay here, and ....
emepoo: almost ready