colbsi: I have window seat!!
colbsi: I have window seat!!
colbsi: @macbisho so far my writing is good. Not affected yet! ;)
colbsi: Number and colour wait.
colbsi: @bok_ they did fixed it.
colbsi: Gunter the German elephant is bloody lucky, he got a photo today with samurais.
colbsi: Low tide right now.
colbsi: Domo stickers!
colbsi: @sirneggles happy? :P
colbsi: @arkenstone these little round green things. I’m assuming made up of dried stuff.
colbsi: Canada has flashy pants on.
colbsi: Really? There’s a bending machine for drinks? Wonder what that entails.
colbsi: MOS burger, looks like a mess waiting to happen.
colbsi: See the short bits? Curls….
colbsi: Apple store!!
colbsi: So quiet… o_O