ColaLife: First ColaLife Workshop - 20-Oct-13
ColaLife: Village mothers focus group (cropped)
ColaLife: Ngombe focus groups - brand
ColaLife: Zambia Workshop 21 Jan 2011
ColaLife: Kit Yamoyo Wall Painting George Compound, Lusaka - with children
ColaLife: Tasila Phiri and her daughter Dialess Daka.
ColaLife: Katete retailer with Kit Yamoyo bags he has bought strapped to his bicycle
ColaLife: Dr Fundafunda with the GRZ ORS/Zinc co-pack
ColaLife: Alfred Siachoobe sells a Kit Yamoyo
ColaLife: Child drinking ORS from Kit Yamoyo
ColaLife: Retailer explains how to use Kit Yamoyo
ColaLife: Woman baby and Kit Yamoyo poster
ColaLife: Margret cares for Rabecca using Kit Yamoyo - George Compound Lusaka Jan-15
ColaLife: Mother and daughter holding Kit Yamoyo
ColaLife: Father with daughter and Kit Yamoyo in Siachitema
ColaLife: GRZ ORS/Zinc co-pack assembly at Pharmanova
ColaLife: The ColaLife Impact Strategy
ColaLife: Modelling the supply chain for Kit Yamoyo at the first co-creation workshop in October 2010
ColaLife: One of the two commercial Kit Yamoyo format with contents - the 'flexi-pack'
ColaLife: One of the two commercial Kit Yamoyo format with contents - the 'screw-top'
ColaLife: Jane Berry, ColaLife
ColaLife: Simon Berry SB C2MTL cropped
ColaLife: Simon Berry
ColaLife: simon berry 1
ColaLife: IMG_5492