ColaLife: Kit Yamoyo retailer
ColaLife: Pre-training planning
ColaLife: Trianing
ColaLife: Kelvin discusses research ethics during training
ColaLife: Training
ColaLife: Training
ColaLife: Mock interviews as enumerators test out the tools
ColaLife: Training has begun
ColaLife: All of our field staff/data collectors wear IDs when working in the communities
ColaLife: Our bags are packed, we're ready to go.....
ColaLife: Rohit waits to meet with the District Medical Officer prior to the team heading into the communities
ColaLife: Every health centre has a diarrhoea corner
ColaLife: Conceptor, one of our enumerators, waits outside a shop to conduct a retailer survey
ColaLife: Curious
ColaLife: Public health messages painted onto the latrines at a school
ColaLife: Rohit and Emmanuel, the supervisor for Monze, check in with some local headmen
ColaLife: A maternal ambulance arrives guided by two young boys and a pregnant girl and her mother in tow
ColaLife: Chatting with mothers outside a clinic in Monze
ColaLife: Two girls head home after collecting water from a nearby well
ColaLife: Rohit answers last minute questions before the team of enumerators head out for their first day of field work in Monze
ColaLife: Mother and children
ColaLife: This health centre had 600 tablets of zinc, but had not prescribed any in over a year!
ColaLife: Rohit speaks with a nurse about zinc at a clinic in Monze
ColaLife: Focus group discussion in Monze
ColaLife: A retailer returns from a visit to the wholesaler in Monze. Note the painted on bottle of Coca-Cola to the left.
ColaLife: Kelvin, our supervisor from Kalomo, conducts a focus group discussion (FGD) with mothers in Kalomo
ColaLife: There's always someone to point us in the right direction
ColaLife: A woman from Kalomo tends to her family's fields
ColaLife: This Kit Yamoyo retailer was tending to his fields, so the shop was closed this early morning
ColaLife: Some local kids hitch a ride on the back of our 4x4