col606: aldridge and walsall wood
col606: the bus stop
col606: walsall wood grave yard
col606: walsall wood
col606: walsall wood.JPG 2
col606: walsall wood.JPG 3
col606: walsall wood.JPG 4
col606: fire station
col606: moor house
col606: aldridge parish church
col606: lollipop man
col606: lollipop man.JPG 2
col606: the croft
col606: the croft 2
col606: the manor
col606: high street
col606: aldridge road
col606: CNV00015
col606: CNV00016
col606: sun through the trees
col606: DSCF4193
col606: DSCF4196
col606: DSCF4197
col606: DSCF4199
col606: DSCF0719
col606: DSCF0720
col606: DSCF0721
col606: DSCF0722
col606: DSCF0723
col606: DSCF0724