Colin D Miller: Elliott in the park
Colin D Miller: Remember when Hendrix used to play the guitar with his teeth? My son can do that.
Colin D Miller: Euston Tap #pub
Colin D Miller: Miles Kane, Finsbury Park, 8th June 2013
Colin D Miller: Johnny Marr, Finsbury Park, 8th June 2013
Colin D Miller: Public Image Ltd, Finsbury Park, 8th June 2013
Colin D Miller: "I am the Resurrection" - The Stone Roses, Finsbury Park, 8th June 2013
Colin D Miller: First beer of the day
Colin D Miller: Morning...
Colin D Miller: Elliott in a phone box
Colin D Miller: He likes Queens of the Stone Age
Colin D Miller: Elliott's supermarket sweep
Colin D Miller: Not really a fan of baths.
Colin D Miller: Sleeping toad
Colin D Miller: Can't handle his drink...
Colin D Miller: Christchurch, Sutton
Colin D Miller: At playgroup, doing art - Anger... Pain... Fear... Aggression...
Colin D Miller: Elliott at home
Colin D Miller: They're taking over!
Colin D Miller: Flowers outside
Colin D Miller: Elliott slides
Colin D Miller: Elliott chewing the climbing frame
Colin D Miller: Elliott on the climbing frame
Colin D Miller: Now eating the ice cream
Colin D Miller: Arrrgghhhhh, me hearties!
Colin D Miller: Solid Walls of Sound