Colin D Miller: Sleeping toad
Colin D Miller: Can't handle his drink...
Colin D Miller: Christchurch, Sutton
Colin D Miller: At playgroup, doing art - Anger... Pain... Fear... Aggression...
Colin D Miller: Elliott at home
Colin D Miller: They're taking over!
Colin D Miller: Flowers outside
Colin D Miller: Elliott slides
Colin D Miller: Elliott chewing the climbing frame
Colin D Miller: Elliott on the climbing frame
Colin D Miller: Now eating the ice cream
Colin D Miller: Trashing my uke.
Colin D Miller: Elliott sleeping on Holly this morning
Colin D Miller: Rachel inspects the chicken feet
Colin D Miller: And he's gone in for the kill.
Colin D Miller: Martin opens the chicken feet...
Colin D Miller: Linda McCartney's Sausages - not meat, but tastes like meat. What form of alchemy is this?
Colin D Miller: Was watching the football, but since live TV is the future, I'm gonna play this instead. Don't wanna get ahead of myself.
Colin D Miller: Choo choo
Colin D Miller: Chicken feet anyone? #tasty #delicacy #yum
Colin D Miller: Mad hair
Colin D Miller: Spinning lights!
Colin D Miller: Old train
Colin D Miller: Steam train
Colin D Miller: Wanna be the big cop in a small town? F'ck off up to the model village! #model
Colin D Miller: Pull the lever! #blackandwhite
Colin D Miller: Some old phone
Colin D Miller: Elliott in the first class carriage.