Cohn & Wolfe: Projector screen with live Twitter feed all evening
Cohn & Wolfe: C&W NY Digital Team celebrate SMDay
Cohn & Wolfe: QR Codes and a free drink ticket
Cohn & Wolfe: Sarah hands out QR Codes and directions for SMDay trivia
Cohn & Wolfe: Social media fans celebrating Social Media Day
Cohn & Wolfe: Bar at Brooklyn Winery
Cohn & Wolfe: Brooklyn Winery was a great venue for the event
Cohn & Wolfe: Christianna posts trivia questions throughout the evening
Cohn & Wolfe: Tyler tries to be the first to tweet the answer in Twitter Trivia
Cohn & Wolfe: Social Media Day at Brooklyn Winery
Cohn & Wolfe: Social Media Day at Brooklyn Winery
Cohn & Wolfe: Friends celebrate SMDay