cogurov: Macro feature, apparently working well
cogurov: Macro feature, a bit blurry
cogurov: Karen, Jonathan and Marty
cogurov: Tokyo by night
cogurov: No idea what this is, but it's going to be my breakfast
cogurov: The day is about to begin in Tokyo
cogurov: The day is about to begin in Tokyo
cogurov: The day is about to begin in Tokyo
cogurov: The day is about to begin in Tokyo
cogurov: The day is about to begin in Tokyo
cogurov: View from the apartment
cogurov: Cristina in a packed train
cogurov: Packed train
cogurov: Plant building.
cogurov: Main room
cogurov: Hallway track
cogurov: O'Reilly
cogurov: At the coffee shop
cogurov: Apple juice and pastries
cogurov: Marty
cogurov: Bean and cream cake
cogurov: Nom nom nom...
cogurov: Tsukimi Burger
cogurov: Playing tennis
cogurov: Yuval and Miyagawa
cogurov: YAPC::Asia 2009 schedule
cogurov: Sushi
cogurov: Sushi
cogurov: Sushi
cogurov: Sushi