Stephanie's Vision: Sunrise over Frenchman Bay
Stephanie's Vision: Taking Photos
Stephanie's Vision: Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park
Stephanie's Vision: Talking with a Fisherman
Stephanie's Vision: The View from Great Head Trail
Stephanie's Vision: Greens on Tarn Pond, Acadia National Park
Stephanie's Vision: Sunrise over Frenchman Bay, Maine
Stephanie's Vision: Sunset on Cadillac Mountain
Stephanie's Vision: Gorgeous landscape in #Maine. This is off of Schoodic Point, part of @acadiaNPS.
Stephanie's Vision: Our last morning in Maine. Much fog. Seagulls looking for food as the tide goes out. Took this photo with my iPhone & polarized sun clips over the camera lens.
Stephanie's Vision: The view halfway up Mount Dorr in @AcadiaNPS last week.
Stephanie's Vision: Lighthouse on Baker Island, off the coast of Mount Desert Island, Maine. We had a great boat trip guided by @acadianps' Ranger Kirk.
Stephanie's Vision: Sand Beach in Acadia National Park, Maine
Stephanie's Vision: The skiff that took us over to Baker Island. You can see the Mount Desert Island portion of @acadianps in the background.
Stephanie's Vision: Beach roses on Schoodic Peninsula look out at Cadillac Mountain across Frenchman Bay in Acadia National Park
Stephanie's Vision: Mountain laurel in Asticou Azalea Garden, Bar Harbor Maine
Stephanie's Vision: These wild irises were all over the Park! Here they overlook Frenchman Bay from Great Head Trail.
Stephanie's Vision: The lupine were just about gone when we were in Maine, and I heard it was a bad year for them ... But I got to see a few. They are my favorite Maine flower! (1/3)
Stephanie's Vision: The lupine were just about gone when we were in Maine, and I heard it was a bad year for them ... But I got to see a few. They are my favorite Maine flower! (2/3)
Stephanie's Vision: Pink Lupine
Stephanie's Vision: Sunset on Cadillac Mountain
Stephanie's Vision: Frenchman Bay at sunrise.
Stephanie's Vision: Loved the cairns as trail markers going up Cadillac Mountain.
Stephanie's Vision: Boats at Bass Harbor, Tremont Maine.
Stephanie's Vision: Little wake on Frenchman Bay after a lobster boat went by.
Stephanie's Vision: Sunset on Cadillac Mountain at @acadianps ... back in June 2017.