cod_gabriel: Church of Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: Arutela castrum, Cozia monastery and hotels in Căciulata resort, all on the bank of Olt river
cod_gabriel: 1668 icons (tempera on wood) exhibited in the museum of Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: Icons exhibited in the Museum of Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: 1668 tempera on wood icons by Bogdan Zugravu (the painter) exhibited in the museum of Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: 18th century gospel binding exhibited in Cozia Monastery Museum
cod_gabriel: 1778 epitaphios created by Gheorghe Diacon Zugrav, exhibited in the Museum of Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: Liturgical objects exhibitied in the museum of Cozia Monastery / Obiecte de cult expuse în muzeul Mănăstirii Cozia
cod_gabriel: 18th century holy doors exhibited in the museum of Cozia Monastery / Uşi împărăteşti sec. XVIII expuse în muzeul Mănăstirii Cozia
cod_gabriel: 19th century holy doors exhibited in the museum of Cozia Monastery / Uşi împărăteşti din Ciunget, com. Mălaia, Vâlcea, sec. XIX
cod_gabriel: Holy Doors exhibited in the museum of Cozia Monastery / Uşi împărăteşti expuse în Muzeul Mănăstirii Cozia
cod_gabriel: 18th century Gospel binding exhibited in the museum of Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: Vitralii în Muzeul Mănăstirii Cozia / Cozia Monastery Museum
cod_gabriel: 18th century icon & bowl exhibited in Cozia Monastery Museum
cod_gabriel: Cross in Cozia Monastery Museum
cod_gabriel: Vigilance
cod_gabriel: Cozia
cod_gabriel: Cozia Monastery
cod_gabriel: Cozia Monastery