cod_gabriel: Texture - stripes, bright dots.
cod_gabriel: Pest
cod_gabriel: Pest
cod_gabriel: Oil painting by my grandmother
cod_gabriel: Painting and plate on the wall
cod_gabriel: Painting on wood
cod_gabriel: Painting on paper
cod_gabriel: Painting on wood
cod_gabriel: Small painting
cod_gabriel: Artisanal painted plate
cod_gabriel: Vază tronconică decorată cu trandafir
cod_gabriel: Lit candle
cod_gabriel: Lit candle, window and curtain refected
cod_gabriel: Lit candle on a laptop
cod_gabriel: Tasty looking lit candle on electronic tray.
cod_gabriel: Flowers contre-jour
cod_gabriel: Death trap
cod_gabriel: CD mirror
cod_gabriel: Christmas tree
cod_gabriel: Curtain fold
cod_gabriel: Crystal Ball
cod_gabriel: Spider and prey
cod_gabriel: Paianjen / Itsy Bitsy Spider
cod_gabriel: Fuck you, EU!
cod_gabriel: Toy ambulance
cod_gabriel: Toy ambulance
cod_gabriel: Natură moartă / Still life: a fish doesn't think