Coconino NF Photography: melted trail sign along Newham Trail with moderate plant recovery in moderate burn SBS
Coconino NF Photography: ungualte browse on aspen in high intensity sbs site
Coconino NF Photography: origin fire with low SBS
Coconino NF Photography: moderate burn SBS with abundnat plant recovery above waterline road in the old Schultz burn (2)
Coconino NF Photography: limited plant recovery on steep slopes above weatherford canyon in high SBS
Coconino NF Photography: gully at Weatherford Canyon and aspen regeneration adjacent to Weatherford Trail
Coconino NF Photography: good plant diversity coming in in moderate SBS site
Coconino NF Photography: at Kachina trail and weatherford canyon trail intersection low SBS
Coconino NF Photography: at Kachina access trail trailhead and end of Freidlein Prairie Road
Coconino NF Photography: aspen sprouts in moderate burn SBS below Newham trail
Coconino NF Photography: aspen regeneration in high intensity SBS lower slopes of Fremont Peak
Coconino NF Photography: along Freidlein Prairie Road FR522 in moderate SBS
Coconino NF Photography: abundant plant recovery of aspens and ferns on lower slopes of Fremont Peak in high intensity SBS
Coconino NF Photography: abudant aspen regeneration in high SBS site just west of the Weatherfor Trail approximately 1 mile north of Schultz tank