CocoaConf: Matt Drance
CocoaConf: Nathan Eror - It's all in the tools
CocoaConf: Josh Abernathy - Immutability in the Large and Small
CocoaConf: Laura Savino - Less Judgy Code
CocoaConf: At CocoaConf
CocoaConf: Marcus Zarra - Not Invented Here
CocoaConf: Mattt Thompson - NSConfidential
CocoaConf: Justin Williams - Achieving Zen with Auto Layout
CocoaConf: Daniel Steinberg - Crazy and Focused
CocoaConf: The Breakpoint Jam
CocoaConf: James Dempsey
CocoaConf: Danny Greg - MVVM and ReactiveCocoa for the haters
CocoaConf: Michele Titolo - APIs: The good, the bad, the ugly
CocoaConf: Jonathan Penn - NSIncrementalStore
CocoaConf: Jaimee Newberry - Town Hall
CocoaConf: Kyle Richter - Stronger, Better, Faster with Instruments and Debugging
CocoaConf: The CocoaConf Game Show