CocoaConf: Jonathan Penn - UIKit Dynamics
CocoaConf: Walter Tyree - Son of Core Data Done Right
CocoaConf: Saul Mora - iOS Application Architecture
CocoaConf: Josh Smith - Sprite Kit and UI Kit walk into a Bar
CocoaConf: Justin Spahr-Summers - Enemy of the State
CocoaConf: Sam Davies - To drawRect or not to drawRect
CocoaConf: Nathan Eror - It's All In The Tools
CocoaConf: Justin Williams - "YOU BOUGHT WHAT?"
CocoaConf: Conrad Stoll - Demystifying Security Best Practices
CocoaConf: Walter Tyree - Picking Up the Pieces
CocoaConf: Walter engaging in the Dark Art of Swizzling
CocoaConf: Manton Reece - Direct Manipulation