cobolt 69: Eiffel Tower
cobolt 69: Under the Tower
cobolt 69: Eiffle Tower
cobolt 69: M&P Arc de Triomphe
cobolt 69: Happy Michele
cobolt 69: Engaged in Paris
cobolt 69: Engaged in Paris
cobolt 69: Notre Dame Cathedral
cobolt 69: Montmartre B&W
cobolt 69: IMG_1971
cobolt 69: Paris
cobolt 69: Michele
cobolt 69: IMG_2021
cobolt 69: Le Courtyard
cobolt 69: Car-Boat....Boat-Car
cobolt 69: The Louvre
cobolt 69: IMG_2055
cobolt 69: IMG_2046
cobolt 69: IMG_2045
cobolt 69: IMG_2040
cobolt 69: IMG_2048
cobolt 69: Paris