Cobber99: Sleeping It Off
Cobber99: Visiting the Palm Springs Museum - 02
Cobber99: Visiting the Palm Springs Museum - 05
Cobber99: Visiting the Palm Springs Museum - 09
Cobber99: Visiting the Palm Springs Museum - 11
Cobber99: Grillin - 1
Cobber99: Grillin - 2
Cobber99: Grillin - 3
Cobber99: Yum
Cobber99: Angela's Cooking is Amazing
Cobber99: Driving in to Work - 1
Cobber99: Driving in to Work - 2
Cobber99: Lunch at Sherman's - 1
Cobber99: Lunch at Sherman's - 2
Cobber99: Downtown Coffee Shop Closed
Cobber99: Humid Desert - 1
Cobber99: Humid Desert - 2
Cobber99: Could it be Rain? - 1
Cobber99: Could it be Rain? - 2
Cobber99: In-n-Out - 3
Cobber99: Burnt Tamarisk Trees along I-10
Cobber99: Paul Visits - 03
Cobber99: Paul Visits - 04
Cobber99: Paul Visits - 05
Cobber99: Paul Visits - 07
Cobber99: Paul Visits - 11
Cobber99: Orange Chicken
Cobber99: Leah's Birthday Suprise - 1
Cobber99: Tasty
Cobber99: Teddy Kennedy Dead