Cobber99: Wildhorse Map
Cobber99: Wildhorse Topo Top View
Cobber99: Wildhorse Side Render
Cobber99: Clara Burgess West Trailhead
Cobber99: Fern Canyon Trail to the south
Cobber99: Wildhorse eventually leading to the Garstin to the west
Cobber99: NW from the Wildhorse Trail
Cobber99: Wildhorse Trail Facing South
Cobber99: From the big trailhead - it appears you can hike west along the dry riverbed to this trail...
Cobber99: South of the first Wildhorse Trail Hill
Cobber99: East of the first Wildhorse Trail hill
Cobber99: Eagle Canyon from the first Wildhorse Trail hill
Cobber99: Wildhorse Trail descending to trailhead
Cobber99: A Top the Wildhorse Trail
Cobber99: Looking down Eagle Canyon to the East
Cobber99: Smoketree Hill as seen from Wildhorse Trail
Cobber99: Up the Wildhorse Trail from the West end
Cobber99: West Trailhead of the Wildhorse Trail
Cobber99: Marker telling me where I have been