Cobber99: Museum Trail Map
Cobber99: Museum Trail Render Overhead
Cobber99: Museum Trail Side Render
Cobber99: Rockpile at the Junction
Cobber99: Rocks East of Picnic Tables
Cobber99: Facing "45" on rock
Cobber99: Turn left to continue on N. Lykken
Cobber99: Placing Trackable Item at "Holly Tom"
Cobber99: "In Memory of Tom"
Cobber99: Tachevah Canyon
Cobber99: Tachevah Canyon
Cobber99: Looking East
Cobber99: My Pack Resting
Cobber99: Tachevah Rocks
Cobber99: Down Valley
Cobber99: North Face of Museum Hill
Cobber99: Fork in Trail (Museum or N. Lykken)
Cobber99: Fork Facing East (see notes)
Cobber99: Long Valley Warning
Cobber99: Up to Long Valley
Cobber99: Paint leading S. to Ramon Rd.
Cobber99: Rockpile (see description)
Cobber99: Rockpile from the East (see note)
Cobber99: Looking South at N. Lykken Trail's south half
Cobber99: My Feet Above Palm Springs
Cobber99: Rock vs. Palm Springs
Cobber99: Clouds vs. Palm Springs
Cobber99: Museum Trail as seen from West
Cobber99: The South Spur of the Museum Hill Loop
Cobber99: "39"