cobalt123: Hayden Flour Mill, Peeking into the Past
cobalt123: Wake Up or Else
cobalt123: TCA and Negative-Edge Reflecting Pool
cobalt123: TCA and Negative-Edge Reflecting Pool
cobalt123: Southwestern Urban Contrasts
cobalt123: Tempe Skyscraper Detail
cobalt123: Bright Grid Pop
cobalt123: Spotted
cobalt123: Hayden Flour Mill
cobalt123: Triangulating in Tempe, Arizona
cobalt123: Odd Scale in Time and Place
cobalt123: Hayden Flour Mill at Sunset
cobalt123: Tempe Power
cobalt123: Tempe Power, 202
cobalt123: What's Up in Tempe, Arizona
cobalt123: Tempe Curves (for Monika)
cobalt123: Not Free Range, the Valley of the Sun
cobalt123: To Go South, Go East
cobalt123: Lines, Wired
cobalt123: Reaching Out
cobalt123: My Friend Shot Lovely Photos of Ducks. I Got a Stick.
cobalt123: Still, in the Pond
cobalt123: Searching (Black-necked Stilt)
cobalt123: Taking One Step at a Time (Great Blue Heron)
cobalt123: Welcome to an Arizona Sunset
cobalt123: Fall Color at the Riparian Preserve
cobalt123: The Pyramid in Tempe, Arizona
cobalt123: Pastel Tempe Town Lake
cobalt123: Symmetry with a Flare, Tempe Town Lake Dawn
cobalt123: Heading Home