cobalt123: Uncle John and Anavey
cobalt123: Uncle John and Clark
cobalt123: Uncle John and Virginia
cobalt123: Uncle John and Summer
cobalt123: Master of His Universe
cobalt123: 2 Little Shooters Shoot Grandma
cobalt123: Family Metaphoto
cobalt123: Granddaughters and Massive Crystal
cobalt123: Three Hearts for Daddy
cobalt123: Clark's Birthday with Daddy
cobalt123: Happy Beanz
cobalt123: Birthday Boy, Age 3
cobalt123: Remote Control Car and Daddy
cobalt123: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
cobalt123: Daddy's Kids, Close Family
cobalt123: Daddy's Kids
cobalt123: Drew Finally Gets Mortal Kombat
cobalt123: Yachting with His Son
cobalt123: His 33rd
cobalt123: Happy Three Year Old
cobalt123: Four Clarks!
cobalt123: Can't Believe This
cobalt123: Cam's Family, Thanksgiving 2012
cobalt123: I got one of these!
cobalt123: And I've Got One of These, Too!
cobalt123: This is My Last One of These!
cobalt123: Definitely the Last One of These, I've Got!
cobalt123: ThanksgivingKids2012