cobalt123: The Stripes
cobalt123: Two Star Flag
cobalt123: A Grand Old Flag
cobalt123: Border Patrol, All-American
cobalt123: Yahoos in Phoenix
cobalt123: Flag-waving "Patriots"
cobalt123: One Big Yahoo as Ugly American
cobalt123: Flag Composition
cobalt123: Flag at Center, Phoenix Immigration March
cobalt123: West Texas Patriotic
cobalt123: American Flag: Blood and Fire
cobalt123: Whipping Flags
cobalt123: Proof it's cold and windy in Phoenix
cobalt123: Dust Storm In Phoenix 3 of 4
cobalt123: Some Animals
cobalt123: Fourth of July, Phoenix
cobalt123: Tempe, America
cobalt123: It's Patriotic to Buy New Car!
cobalt123: Oh Say, Can You See?
cobalt123: These Colors Don't Run, but...
cobalt123: Bisbee Flags and Brick
cobalt123: USA Balloon as Metaphor
cobalt123: There Can Be an Obvious Title Here for "America"
cobalt123: The Crowd on July 4th
cobalt123: Flags Up at Fry's Supermarket
cobalt123: Freedom is Crowded
cobalt123: Toy Flag Macro
cobalt123: Be a Patriot: Buy a Flag!
cobalt123: Packaging Patriotism: July 4th
cobalt123: Statement 2