cobalt123: A Female to Reckon With
cobalt123: Ferruginious Hawk Portrait
cobalt123: Relationship
cobalt123: Pigeon Power
cobalt123: Altogether Now, Look To the Left
cobalt123: Old Blue Eyes
cobalt123: Backyard Mockingbird
cobalt123: Cedar Waxwing, Perched
cobalt123: Cedar Waxwing: Flagstaff, AZ
cobalt123: Cedar Waxwing on Alert
cobalt123: Pause (while Berry Picking)
cobalt123: Waxwing 8, Color Version
cobalt123: Waxwing 8, Grayscale Version
cobalt123: Flagstaff Quartet (Cedar Waxwings)
cobalt123: Duck, in Socorro, New Mexico
cobalt123: Finch at the Feeder
cobalt123: A Moving Duck, Socorro
cobalt123: Crane Walk
cobalt123: Sandhill Cranes, Southeastern Arizona
cobalt123: Sandhill Cranes at Sunset
cobalt123: Captivated
cobalt123: Peacock Portrait, Arizona
cobalt123: My Little Hummingbird
cobalt123: Hummingbird at the Aloe Blooms
cobalt123: Posing Pretty for Me
cobalt123: Posing a Query to Me
cobalt123: Hummingbird (Fun Blur, Look Close)
cobalt123: Hummer at Boyce Thompson Arboretum
cobalt123: Taking Off
cobalt123: Hummer, Right Above an Aloe Bloom