cobalt123: Cedar Waxwing on Alert
cobalt123: Waxwing 8, Color Version
cobalt123: Waxwing 8, Grayscale Version
cobalt123: Flagstaff Quartet (Cedar Waxwings)
cobalt123: Pause (while Berry Picking)
cobalt123: Cedar Waxwing, Perched
cobalt123: Cedar Waxwing: Flagstaff, AZ
cobalt123: Duck, in Socorro, New Mexico
cobalt123: A Moving Duck, Socorro
cobalt123: Crane Walk
cobalt123: Peacock Portrait, Arizona
cobalt123: Captivated
cobalt123: My Little Hummingbird
cobalt123: Hummingbird at the Aloe Blooms
cobalt123: Broad-billed Hummingbird with Aloe Blooms
cobalt123: Zoo Bird Dignity
cobalt123: Vivid Blue Stripe Bird
cobalt123: Peacock: Wikieup, Arizona
cobalt123: Best Bird and He Knows It
cobalt123: On the High Wire
cobalt123: Early Bird
cobalt123: A Table for One, Please
cobalt123: Croccodile Smile
cobalt123: Matched Set
cobalt123: Besides Color, There is Pattern
cobalt123: Dark Side of the Bird
cobalt123: I don't answer booty calls
cobalt123: Checking out the Menu, Hummer-Style
cobalt123: Great Scott, It's a Great Blue Heron in Elgin!
cobalt123: Glamour Guhl