cobalex: 留守儿童Children in southeast Guizhou
cobalex: 苗寨Miao village in Guizhou
cobalex: 苗族姑娘Miao ethnic girl
cobalex: 可爱的孩子们Children in southeast Guizhou
cobalex: 贵阳特色小吃肠旺面 Changwang Noodles
cobalex: 美不美Beauty
cobalex: 凯撒啊Caser
cobalex: 油条 Chinese cruller
cobalex: 辣炒牛肉Sauteed sliced beef with green chili peppers
cobalex: 黔东南加榜梯田Jiabang Village
cobalex: 远眺加鸠村Jiajiu Village,Guizhou
cobalex: 苗族人People in Donglang village
cobalex: 岜沙苗寨
cobalex: 老人
cobalex: 老人
cobalex: 小孩
cobalex: 小伙伴
cobalex: 丰收时刻Harvest
cobalex: 酷爷爷 Cool Grandpa
cobalex: 哥俩好 Good Fellas
cobalex: 友好的屠夫 A Smiling butcher
cobalex: 做豆腐making Tofu
cobalex: 加鸠村Jiajiu Village,Guizhou
cobalex: 劳作working people
cobalex: 烧茄子Fried eggplant
cobalex: Up in the air 云上的日子