CoastRanger: The Road to Limantour
CoastRanger: bird in sparse
CoastRanger: The Bird with the Good Reflection
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1440
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1441
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1442
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1475
CoastRanger: Kayak from Limantour Beach California_1554
CoastRanger: Kayak from Limantour Beach California_1555
CoastRanger: Kayak from Limantour Beach California_1556
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1595
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1575
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1598
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1576
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1599
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California, Easter Sunday 2008
CoastRanger: The Castle of Limantour still stands
CoastRanger: Sergeant Peppercorn on the shore at Limantour
CoastRanger: Sergeant Peppercorn and Annette play on the shore at Limantour
CoastRanger: Sergeant Peppercorn and Annette play on the shore at Limantour
CoastRanger: Ron and Ron walk by the Pyramid ar Limantour
CoastRanger: Limantour Beach California_1451
CoastRanger: waves 0214
CoastRanger: The Pyramid ar Limantour
CoastRanger: steps in sand
CoastRanger: Only the footpints of the people remain on the Sands of Limantour as The Pyramid is seen in the Distance
CoastRanger: There are a million things to do with seaweed and you gotta start young
CoastRanger: OMG, There are people coming down the beach! _0239
CoastRanger: You can see the ocean from here_0060
CoastRanger: Land of Limantour