CoasterMadMatt: Vampire Behind the Scenes Tour
CoasterMadMatt: The Vampire's Journey Begins
CoasterMadMatt: Chain Dogs on the Train
CoasterMadMatt: Beside the Train
CoasterMadMatt: The Organist without the Studio Lights
CoasterMadMatt: Back of the Train
CoasterMadMatt: The Final Brake Run
CoasterMadMatt: The Maintenance Area
CoasterMadMatt: Penultimate Bend
CoasterMadMatt: Rails of Purpose
CoasterMadMatt: Purple Glow
CoasterMadMatt: Final Straight
CoasterMadMatt: First Lift Hill
CoasterMadMatt: Leading into the Station
CoasterMadMatt: Building of Wild Woods
CoasterMadMatt: The End of the Second Lift Hill
CoasterMadMatt: Vampire, Chessington World of Adventures, England
CoasterMadMatt: The Brake Run to the Second Lift
CoasterMadMatt: Vampire Lift No. 2
CoasterMadMatt: The Bottom of the Second Lift Hill
CoasterMadMatt: The Spooky Spectre
CoasterMadMatt: Old Rodeo Centrepiece
CoasterMadMatt: The Horseman
CoasterMadMatt: Down to the Tunnel
CoasterMadMatt: (Vampire) Bat Cave
CoasterMadMatt: Entering the Tunnel
CoasterMadMatt: Supports and Track
CoasterMadMatt: Inside the Cave
CoasterMadMatt: Chessington's Vampire
CoasterMadMatt: Like a Bat Out of Hell