coastalight: Shade and Java holding their Specialty JAM ribbons
coastalight: Java with his FCRSC Specialty JAM ribbon
coastalight: Judy Teskey and Rip at the Scurry.
coastalight: Rip (Coastalight Wind Over Tide) running in the scurry!
coastalight: Test dog for the WCX test
coastalight: WC TEST JUDGES
coastalight: Grant running in the scurry
coastalight: Grant running in WC test
coastalight: Barb Krieger and Java
coastalight: Handing out the Specialty ribbons
coastalight: Part of the end line up.
coastalight: Amanda taking the bird
coastalight: Lola returning with bird.
coastalight: Lola and Amanda walking to line.
coastalight: Lola returning with the bird
coastalight: Amanda and Lola in the holding blind.
coastalight: FCRSC WCI TEST