JWGPhotography: DSCF1441
JWGPhotography: DSCF1444
JWGPhotography: DSCF1442
JWGPhotography: Hidden Deer
JWGPhotography: Nu-Kitty
JWGPhotography: Oscar 'da grump'
JWGPhotography: Oscar side
JWGPhotography: Nu-kitty - close
JWGPhotography: Nu-Kitty sleep close
JWGPhotography: 11009 058
JWGPhotography: Pretty Kitty
JWGPhotography: Brook sleeping
JWGPhotography: Chickadee up high
JWGPhotography: Bird and Berries 3
JWGPhotography: Bird and Berries 2
JWGPhotography: Chickadee
JWGPhotography: Sunny Chickadee
JWGPhotography: Bird and Berries
JWGPhotography: Kitty in a wine glass stem
JWGPhotography: Kitty squint
JWGPhotography: Kitty prance
JWGPhotography: Kitty again
JWGPhotography: Kitty again 2