coachellauninc: Gloria Live on KMIR6 morning news
coachellauninc: Coachella Unincorporated around are former coordinator
coachellauninc: Advice from staff
coachellauninc: Staff from KMIR 6 talking to Raymond Bondad
coachellauninc: Ray and Tony on the other side of the camerea
coachellauninc: 7:03am on KMIR6
coachellauninc: Studio 1
coachellauninc: Studio 2
coachellauninc: Studio Set
coachellauninc: Master control room
coachellauninc: Master Control room 2
coachellauninc: Master Control room 3
coachellauninc: Master Control room 4
coachellauninc: Gloria prepping to go on