Chris N Parsons: Morning milk for sale
Chris N Parsons: Dirty Boots Tent
Chris N Parsons: The first Welsh Oggie of Glasto 2009
Chris N Parsons: Flag near the Cider Bus
Chris N Parsons: Flags near the Cider Bus
Chris N Parsons: White flag and cloudy sky
Chris N Parsons: Loads of flags
Chris N Parsons: Ooooh... flags
Chris N Parsons: Flags and a London Routemaster Bus
Chris N Parsons: Entrance to Avalon
Chris N Parsons: Car tyre crocodiles
Chris N Parsons: Car tyre crocs plus sign
Chris N Parsons: Wicker people
Chris N Parsons: Trash City before it opened
Chris N Parsons: Metal head outside Trash City
Chris N Parsons: Wooden Dragon sculpture
Chris N Parsons: Metal animal sculptures
Chris N Parsons: Metal flying pig sculpture
Chris N Parsons: Shiva #1
Chris N Parsons: Shiva #3
Chris N Parsons: Dragon sculpture
Chris N Parsons: Overlooking the Glastonbury site
Chris N Parsons: View from sleeping position in stone circle field
Chris N Parsons: Glastonbury sign post
Chris N Parsons: Rubbish DJs bus
Chris N Parsons: Moonshine or water?
Chris N Parsons: Please don't pollute
Chris N Parsons: Trolley being pulled by man wearing a hat fashioned from Glasto bag
Chris N Parsons: Burrow Hill cider flags
Chris N Parsons: The Famous Somerset Cider Bus