Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes - NYC museums and libraries
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes - NYC 9/11memorial and museum
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes - At Terra Blues in Greenwich village, NYC
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes - What I liked and disliked about NYC
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Sketchnotes - Top of the rock at Rockfeller Center
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: My planning for our trip to NYC and my ISC24TX
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: Travel book New York and ISC24TX
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: New York - waiting to take off from Newark airport because of the storm and lightning
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: New York - The portal between NYC and Dublin
Claudio Nichele - Instagram: cnichele65 (X: @jihan: New York - The portal between NYC and Dublin