CA850: LSL 47805 TnT 47593
CA850: Hastings DEMU 1001
CA850: 50008, 50021 and 4tc
CA850: LSL 47828 TnT 47810
CA850: LSL 47712 TnT 47593
CA850: 50008 TnT 66509 with London Underground 4-TC
CA850: 33012 TnT 73136
CA850: GBRf 73136 TnT 33012
CA850: GBRf 73136 TnT 33012
CA850: XC 43008 and 43007
CA850: XC 43007 and 43008
CA850: 45596 Bahamas TnT 47746
CA850: 61306 'Mayflower' TnT 47805
CA850: Northern Belle 57313 TnT 57601
CA850: WCRC 47813 TnT 47826
CA850: LNER Class A3 60103 "Flying Scotsman"
CA850: LNER Class A3 60103 "Flying Scotsman"
CA850: 61306 “Mayflower” TnT 47805
CA850: D345 (40145) TnT 47815
CA850: DB Cargo 67007 "Queens Platinum Jubilee"
CA850: LSL 47593 “Galloway Princess” & 47805 “Roger Hoskings MA 1925-2013”
CA850: LNER Thompson Class B1 61306 'Mayflower'
CA850: LNER Thompson Class B1 61306 'Mayflower'
CA850: LSL 47828 and 47593 “Galloway Princess”
CA850: GBRf 73107 TnT 73201
CA850: Midland Pulman 43055 and 43046 "Geoff Drury 1930-1999"