Char3396: A day at the pond!
Char3396: Anole Warning
Char3396: Do you see what I see?
Char3396: Time for a nap!
Char3396: Time to move on
Char3396: Have a Froggy day!
Char3396: Gartersnake
Char3396: Gartersnake
Char3396: Gartersnake
Char3396: Gartersnake
Char3396: Gartersnake
Char3396: Salamander
Char3396: Salamander foot
Char3396: Salamander foot
Char3396: Salamander foot
Char3396: Northern Slimy - White Spotted Salamander
Char3396: Salamander face
Char3396: Spring Peeper Tree frog
Char3396: Anole
Char3396: Anole
Char3396: I won't look
Char3396: Smile for the camera
Char3396: Ahhhh, warm sunshine.
Char3396: Northern Slimy Salamander
Char3396: Two tasty treats!
Char3396: This is your last warning!
Char3396: You are next!
Char3396: Get off my back you pest!
Char3396: I'm going to get you!