Char3396: One of those days!
Char3396: Whitetail deer
Char3396: Whitetail deer
Char3396: Whitetail deer
Char3396: Whitetail deer
Char3396: Whitetail deer
Char3396: Grazing in the field
Char3396: Montana Elk
Char3396: Montana Elk
Char3396: Montana Chipmunk
Char3396: Have a nice day!
Char3396: Montana Whitetail Bucks
Char3396: Montana Whitetail Buck
Char3396: I know I'm beautiful
Char3396: Just stopped to say hi
Char3396: Mr. Cottontail
Char3396: Ahhh, this sun feels so good!
Char3396: Whitetail Deer
Char3396: Whitetail Deer
Char3396: "I'm too sexy for my shirt"
Char3396: Should I stay or should I go?
Char3396: IMG_4729
Char3396: Whitetail Fawn
Char3396: Fawn
Char3396: A friend who is far away is sometimes much nearer than the one is at hand....
Char3396: Gobble, Gobble
Char3396: Whiskers is my name
Char3396: Standing tall
Char3396: Don't come any closer
Char3396: Does my ears look hairy?