Lowkey08: 06 Jan
Lowkey08: Still snowing at 7am
Lowkey08: Sam testing out his new snow boots
Lowkey08: Sam and Danny in St Andrews Park
Lowkey08: Sam, skiers and sledging crowds in the park
Lowkey08: Sam's new friends!
Lowkey08: Brynland Ave 8am
Lowkey08: Brynland Ave towards Morley Sq, 8am
Lowkey08: Snowy rooftops
Lowkey08: Snowy twins
Lowkey08: Sneaking up on Daddy with a snowball!
Lowkey08: Tolly's snow football!
Lowkey08: Glos Rd/Egerton Rd, 3pm
Lowkey08: Sam's strange snow creation
Lowkey08: Sam's snow hood
Lowkey08: Felix unsharp, warming up at the Flyer
Lowkey08: gobby Anatoly at the Flyer
Lowkey08: St Andrew's Park, day 2
Lowkey08: Belmont Rd 9am, 7th Jan
Lowkey08: Footprints on Brynland Ave, 5.30pm 7th Jan
Lowkey08: Sledging to Preschool!
Lowkey08: Felix coming back up the slope
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Lowkey08: Twins taking Michelle for a sledge ride!
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Lowkey08: P1040127.JPG
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