cmsica: Ducks in the arctic
cmsica: Duck vs bear
cmsica: Polar Bear sits up
cmsica: Hanging out and keeping cool
cmsica: Lounging around on a hot day
cmsica: Keeping an eye on things
cmsica: Scratching his head
cmsica: Altogether now
cmsica: Peacocks
cmsica: It's a four course meal
cmsica: Dinner is served
cmsica: Coming down to dinner
cmsica: Come and get it
cmsica: black panther
cmsica: Nap time in the tree tops
cmsica: Tapir
cmsica: The most uncomfortable sleeping positions ever!
cmsica: It was that time of the afternoon
cmsica: Hanging out
cmsica: Quite a lively group
cmsica: I liked how all the tails were hanging exactly the same
cmsica: I think this was a tree kangaroo
cmsica: Elephant
cmsica: Elephants
cmsica: Crouching tiger
cmsica: Peacock
cmsica: Grazing zebras
cmsica: Lounging
cmsica: Anti social
cmsica: Back at the family tree