C. Michael's Photography: 17/365 [Imitations of Art (the thin line of what's legal)]
C. Michael's Photography: 27/365 [キラキラの未来]
C. Michael's Photography: 43/365 [Some days, I Feel Like Crying]
C. Michael's Photography: 26/365 [Dance the Damage Down]
C. Michael's Photography: 30/365 [A Bomb Set to Blow]
C. Michael's Photography: 147/365 [That First Time, Your Body Aches]
C. Michael's Photography: 59/365 [Life is Clearer Through a Foggy Mirror]
C. Michael's Photography: 34/365 [Banging A Fiery Woman]
C. Michael's Photography: 113/365 [I'll Bare My Back to You, So at Least I'll Know To Expect the Stab]
C. Michael's Photography: 241/365 [My Pain is Part of Something Larger]
C. Michael's Photography: Straight Tease
C. Michael's Photography: 245/365 [The Decay of Desire]
C. Michael's Photography: 116/365 [Dangling by a Single Fiber]
C. Michael's Photography: 50/365 [The Chill of Fever]
C. Michael's Photography: 108/365 [Angelic Demons Have No Place]
C. Michael's Photography: 234/365 [A Mindf**k Foursome]
C. Michael's Photography: 255/365 [Take a Glance and Walk Away]
C. Michael's Photography: 125/365 [Pyscho de Mayo]