CMOS1138: this is why damselflies rock
CMOS1138: giant lichen orb weaver wraps up a damselfly
CMOS1138: high water
CMOS1138: its a bridge and its at morris bridge park but its not morris bridge
CMOS1138: Slant for Lily
CMOS1138: orb weaver and damsel
CMOS1138: lichen
CMOS1138: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
CMOS1138: do i have food on my face?
CMOS1138: shining abdomen
CMOS1138: moss
CMOS1138: damsel in profile
CMOS1138: tributary
CMOS1138: spreadwing
CMOS1138: who are you and what are you doing in my park?
CMOS1138: anole
CMOS1138: brown damsel
CMOS1138: the carpenter just left
CMOS1138: venusta orchard spider from behind
CMOS1138: vivid blue
CMOS1138: swamp
CMOS1138: the hillsborough river from morris bridge park
CMOS1138: sinking
CMOS1138: Limpkin and reflection
CMOS1138: tricolor heron reflection
CMOS1138: skipper
CMOS1138: amputee
CMOS1138: old man of the woods
CMOS1138: Coreopsis
CMOS1138: digging wasp makes a burrow right by my car