cmort: mendocino
cmort: kiki and dottie
cmort: at the boulangerie
cmort: at the boulangerie
cmort: mendocino
cmort: dottie
cmort: reading
cmort: mendocino
cmort: mendocino
cmort: mendocino
cmort: mendocino
cmort: grampa loves a sale!
cmort: ice "ceam" with kiki
cmort: ice cream with kiki
cmort: mendocino
cmort: mendocino
cmort: scoot scooting
cmort: dottie and frannie
cmort: dottie in front of miette
cmort: a visit to miette
cmort: chalk drawing with kiki
cmort: chalk!
cmort: major chalk
cmort: giddyup "cookie'
cmort: dottie and cookie the horse
cmort: grampa and dottie
cmort: art!