c.miles: 1710 Looking down on the San Pedro River Valley from below the Box Elder Picnic Area
c.miles: 1710 Aspen and Marble Peak from near the Box Elder Picnic Area
c.miles: 1710 Aspen near the top of Mount Lemmon
c.miles: 1710 Bear Wallow Color 2
c.miles: 1710 Bear Wallow Color 3
c.miles: 1710 Bear Wallow Color 4
c.miles: 1710 In the Sun
c.miles: 1710 View from the Grandview Lookout Tower
c.miles: 1710 Grandview Lookout Tower
c.miles: 1710 Bush on the way back up to Horseshoe Mesa
c.miles: 1710 Mine entrance below Horseshoe Mesa
c.miles: 1710 Horseshoe Mesa from the Grandview Trail