C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jim Leftwich studio
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jack Wright at closing MAF performance
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jack Wright and John M. Bennett
C. Mehrl Bennett: Jack Wright, John M. Bennett, and Andrew Drury at closing MAF performance
C. Mehrl Bennett: Olchar Lindsann's student performing at Akademgorod 2014 MAF Roanoke VA
C. Mehrl Bennett: Reid Wood 2B OR NOT
C. Mehrl Bennett: Final performance action after final MAF performance
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt meets the floor during improvised dance
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , improvisational dancer
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , improvisational dancer
C. Mehrl Bennett: Avant Writing Class
C. Mehrl Bennett: John M Bennett and Andrew Drury
C. Mehrl Bennett: Joe Abel window installation at Akademgorod. He also performed in the window much of the day - creating his texts in various forms, sometimes interactively.
C. Mehrl Bennett: .Jim Leftwich near window performance by Joe Abel of the UK
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Claire Elizabeth Barratt , window performance at Akademgorod
C. Mehrl Bennett: Aaron Andrews of Columbus OH performance at Akademgorod