C. Mehrl Bennett: .. a conversation in the parking lot
C. Mehrl Bennett: With his good (h)ear listening
C. Mehrl Bennett: Rondo Library Door Triptich
C. Mehrl Bennett: Under Attack
C. Mehrl Bennett: Under Attack Read
C. Mehrl Bennett: Fertility Totem
C. Mehrl Bennett: Queen of Diamonds Totem
C. Mehrl Bennett: advertisement
C. Mehrl Bennett: broken happenstance
C. Mehrl Bennett: Sound Waves of a Beating Heart
C. Mehrl Bennett: SKY HIGH BLUE WAY
C. Mehrl Bennett: 2007 POETIC LICENSE
C. Mehrl Bennett: Blue Heron
C. Mehrl Bennett: Fork Angel
C. Mehrl Bennett: Painted the gourd & made it a shakara, then finally achieved a bird's head, but only digitally!
C. Mehrl Bennett: Heavy Lies the Cold
C. Mehrl Bennett: Heavy Lies the Snow II
C. Mehrl Bennett: My Winter Kimono
C. Mehrl Bennett: My Ruby Duby Freeway Kimono
C. Mehrl Bennett: Graffiti Kimono
C. Mehrl Bennett: KIMONO #2
C. Mehrl Bennett: This is My Painting Kimono
C. Mehrl Bennett: Apocalyptic Sunami
C. Mehrl Bennett: hiSTORY of religion
C. Mehrl Bennett: A single line of discrepancy
C. Mehrl Bennett: At Water's Edge
C. Mehrl Bennett: The Details . . .
C. Mehrl Bennett: Memorial Installation for Birdie Lusch