Chris Hikes the PCT:
Feet after 76 miles in 3 days
Chris Hikes the PCT:
PV windscreen
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Longest day yet!
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Canyon walk in Toiyabe NF
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Leaving the snow behind
Chris Hikes the PCT:
White clouds and white rocks
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Plants on plants
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Map at Kennedy Meadows North
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Chris Hikes the PCT:
leaving Emigrant Wilderness
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Orange and green moss near Sonora Pass
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Looking North toward Sonora Pass
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Switchbacks coming out of Kennedy Canyon
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Volcanic rocks!
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Volcanic rocks!
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Poop Factory passing Grams and Whistle
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Falls in Yosemite
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Dinner in bed
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Bug dope
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Pregnant clouds over Selden Pass
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Balls Deep and JMT James on VVR ferry
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Thomas Edison Lake
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Muir Hut on Muir Pass
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Muir Pass Approach
Chris Hikes the PCT:
How I made it all fit (see previous photos)
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Overstuffed pack after Bishop resupply
Chris Hikes the PCT:
Bishop resupply
Chris Hikes the PCT:
New poop trowel!
Chris Hikes the PCT:
The only blankets we had.