cmadrigal: Can i help you?
cmadrigal: Josi & Georgia
cmadrigal: Josi & Renata
cmadrigal: I got the last slice :-D
cmadrigal: God eating pizza?
cmadrigal: Decoration in the bathroom mirror
cmadrigal: Posing or resting? You be the judge :-D
cmadrigal: Coupid's bow/bottle opener
cmadrigal: Cupid
cmadrigal: Renata & Ingmar
cmadrigal: God and its "helper"
cmadrigal: Spy vs. Spy
cmadrigal: Shooting the photographer
cmadrigal: Shooting the photographer
cmadrigal: Nice devil
cmadrigal: 2nd place gets the prize
cmadrigal: the "spin the pear" winner
cmadrigal: Spin the Pear
cmadrigal: If spin the bottle doesn't work..
cmadrigal: Trying to spin the bottle...