C• M• Photography: Flame Azalea
C• M• Photography: Flame Azalea
C• M• Photography: Soaking up the last rays of the day
C• M• Photography: Carolina Lily (Lilium michauxii)
C• M• Photography: Yellow and light Purple Ruffles and Lace Iris
C• M• Photography: Breaded tougue
C• M• Photography: Yellow Ruffles & Lace Iris
C• M• Photography: Purple and Yellow Mixed Ruffles & Lace Iris
C• M• Photography: Wild Crested dwarf Iris's
C• M• Photography: Purple and Yellow Mixed Ruffles & Lace Iris's
C• M• Photography: Parkway-Wild Azaleas
C• M• Photography: Spring has Arrived
C• M• Photography: Cleveland pear flower
C• M• Photography: Orange Jewel weed- (Impatiens capensis) Meerburgh
C• M• Photography: Yellow Jewel Weed-Impatiens capensis
C• M• Photography: Flame Azalea
C• M• Photography: Inside a flower
C• M• Photography: Bleeding heart
C• M• Photography: Wildflower- Blackberry lilies (Belamcanda chinensis)
C• M• Photography: Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden
C• M• Photography: Scarlet beebalm
C• M• Photography: Rosebay rhododendron
C• M• Photography: Grass of Parnassus or bog-stars Wildflower
C• M• Photography: Carolina Grass-of-Parnassus
C• M• Photography: The start of new life